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Communities that are close to mining projects

Through the management of the foundation, it seeks to promote inclusive and sustainable economic development of the communities that receive mining-extractive projects and create opportunities, through strategic programs and projects, that benefit them in the medium and long term to improve their current living conditions by generating extraordinary value in mining territories through the building of alliances for local development, reinforcing the role of each of the actors and their capacities. We know the power of communities and we seek to generate positive change in each of the realities that they go through.

Other ways to support

There are several ways to contribute to the continuity of our social transformation projects.
  • Av. 10 de agosto N 27-232 y Juan José de Villalengua. Quito - Ecuador
  • +593 02 227 8975
    +593 02 246 9611 ext 104
  • media@salazarfoundation.org
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